Celebrating Amistad's 10 Year Anniversary

Nikki Grant, Kris Henderson, Sean Damon

It was an unforgettable night celebrating our 10 year anniversary with the people who make this work so special. Formerly incarcerated people, family members of folks inside, elected officials, and long-time allies in the fight against mass incarceration gathered at Barber’s Hall in North Philly to celebrate our first decade of work together.


Many of the folks in attendance were behind prison walls when Amistad got its start. Our emcee, Mrs. Dee Dee, asked everyone who's come home from prison to stand up so we could give them the raucous round of applause they deserve. Mrs. Dee Dee also presented Amistad with a gift from the people at SCI Smithfield: a piece of art they created to show their love and appreciation for our partnership in the work. Other people in attendance were fighting for family members who have come home in the years since Amistad was founded, and yet they’re still here, working alongside us for a world where no one is sentenced to death by incarceration. 

Alongside that joy, our co-founder and Policy Director, Nikki, Grant reminded us in a moving speech that many of the people we fought with and for over the years are no longer with us: David “Dawud” Lee, Ezra Bozeman, Gary Glasco, and Russell Maroon Shoatz are a few of the many people who formed us with their love and wisdom, and who inspire us to continue the fight until we’re all free.

We are immensely grateful for the people who have walked with us for the last decade! We look forward to building with you until we’ve replaced death-dealing structures with life-affirming institutions.