Join Us for a Town Hall on the Movement to End Death By Incarceration

In November, after our national coalition of formerly incarcerated people and advocates testified before the United Nations Human Rights Committee in Geneva, the committee called for a moratorium on all Life Without Parole sentences in the United States. We are eager to leverage this momentous recommendation in our work to end Death By Incarceration.
Our coalition invites you to a virtual town hall next Thursday, January 18th at 7pm EST. We will share highlights from our delegation’s hearings in Geneva and unpack the contents of our shadow report. This will be a great opportunity to consider how you might collaborate with our coalition and support the movement to end Death By Incarceration in the United States.
When: Thursday, January 18th at 7pm EST
Where: Zoom. You will receive the link upon registration.
Who: Our Policy Director, Nikki Grant, will join other advocates for the abolition of Death By Incarceration to share updates from the movement and what's in store for 2024.
Why: The Human Rights Committee's recommendation marks historic progress for our movement. We plan to leverage this international recognition of our organizing to hold the U.S. government accountable for the abusive practice of sentencing people to Death By Incarceration.