Joy Through the Walls: Tell DAs to Support Elder Parole This Holiday Season

Tan graphic with holiday items like gingerbread, bells, dreidels, ribbons, and candy hanging on the lefthand above #FreeOurElders. On the righthand side it says: Online Action! December 15th joy through the walls. Make a holiday card to tell the PDAA to support #GeriatricParoleNow! Visit for instructions on how to participate!

Next week on Thursday December 15th, join us in calling on the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association to support elder parole.

There are currently over 8,200 people in Pennsylvania prisons serving either life without parole or virtual life sentences that will ensure that they die in prison without a change in the law.

We have been pushing district attorneys across the commonwealth to support SB 835, a geriatric parole bill that would give parole review to all those over 55 who have served half of their sentence or 25 years, whichever is the lesser.

District attorneys have enormous power to influence criminal justice legislation and they should use that power to support common sense measures that would provide parole review and pathways home for aging people in PA prisons.

Last week we were in Norristown urging Montgomery County DA Kevin Steele to express his support for SB835. We want to keep the pressure up on him and the entire PDAA.

On December 15th, make a holiday-themed card asking the PDAA to support elder parole. Visit for instructions on how to participate.


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