Support the Movement to End Mass Incarceration

We all have a role to play in the work to build safe communities where everyone can thrive. In recent years, we at Amistad Law Project:
Led a campaign to build Philadelphia’s first non-police mental health crisis response and secured over $13 million to get that program off the ground.
Generated a shift at the Board of Pardons that drastically increased commutations for people serving Life Without Parole, reuniting over 53 people with their families in the last 5 years, including 13 of our clients.
Laid the groundwork to move historic second-chance legislation that, when passed, will offer thousands of people sentenced to Death By Incarceration in Pennsylvania a pathway home through parole.
Took the case of Death By Incarceration to the United Nations in Geneva, where the Human Rights Committee ultimately called for a moratorium on all Life Without Parole sentences in the United States.
Produced media that amplifies the stories of people impacted by extreme sentences and police violence, expanding the public’s imagination for humane interventions that effectively address harm and help people heal.
We are excited to build on this work in 2024, and we're grateful for any amount you can donate as you plan your year-end giving. Thank you for helping us build more humane systems of public safety that will bring beloved community members home from Pennsylvania state prisons.