Thursday, April 4th: Defend Philly Voters and Speak Out Against ACT 40

We will not stand for the erasure of Philadelphians’ votes between elections.
Late last year, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed a law to establish a special prosecutor to oversee crimes on or near SEPTA properties in Philadelphia. Act 40 strips Philadelphia’s democratically elected District Attorney of his jurisdictional authority over the vast majority of the city allowing an unelected special prosecutor the authority to cherry pick cases at or near SEPTA stops and take them out of our DA's hands. This law undermines the will of Philly voters and we spoke out against it immediately.
This Thursday, defend democracy with us at the PA Attorney General's Philly office (1600 Arch St) at 5:30 PM. We will call on the PA Attorney General to delay appointing this special prosecutor and we will call on lawmakers and Governor Shapiro to repeal this unjust law. We will then march through Center City to the Octavius Cato Statue at City Hall. Our lawmakers will call on us this November to participate in and save our democracy. We are calling on them now to do the same and to defend Philly voters.