A Vibrant Community Screening of No Way Home in Montgomery County

We had an incredible community screening of No Way Home in Montgomery County last Friday. Folks from our movement family packed into Theatre Horizon alongside elected officials, local organizers, and families in Norristown. We were also delighted to have No Way Home director, Danie Harris, in the house!
After the film, Amistad organizer Dyamond Gibbs moderated a panel discussion with No Way Home star, Mrs. Dee Dee; Felix Rosado, a formerly incarcerated leader in restorative justice at the Youth Art and Self-Empowerment Project; and Rasheeda Bagwell, the Women's Reentry Program Coordinator with Philadelphia’s Mural Arts Program. One theme in the conversation was that the criminal legal system doesn’t facilitate reflecting on the harm a person has caused because it is inherently dehumanizing, disempowering, and racist. It serves no rehabilitative purpose. That’s why these leaders are now engaged in restorative justice, where they seek to repair harm and facilitate healing for everyone involved.
The panel discussion led to a vibrant conversation with the audience, where folks from all over the region shared their stories of coming home, organizing on behalf of family members, and walking with people who have recently been released to help them adjust to life on the outside. There was a lot of communal wisdom to help people heal from the deep trauma inflicted by the carceral system.
If you need a dose of hope, come out to one of our upcoming community screenings! You can register for upcoming screenings in Scanton and Lancaster below, and we will be announcing events in Pittsburgh, Allentown, and additional screenings in Philly in the weeks to come.
Scranton, PA: Tuesday, August 8 at 6:30 PM at St. Lukes Church
Co-sponsored by Straight Ahead - REGISTER HERE
Lancaster, PA: Tuesday, August 15th 6:00 PM at Covenant United Methodist Church
Co-sponsored by Straight Ahead - REGISTER HERE