Friday July 14th: No Way Home Screening in Norristown, PA

For the last year and a half Amistad Law Project has been working on ‘No Way Home’, a documentary about a mother’s struggle to reunite her family and end mandatory Life Without Parole in Pennsylvania. Directed by Danie Harris and Produced by Christopher McDonald, No Way Home maps out the rise of mass incarceration in Pennsylvania and highlights leaders who are working to bring loved ones home. We are thrilled to screen this moving film in Norristown on Friday, July 14th at Theatre Horizon. Watch the trailer below and join us for a powerful screening and conversation about the movement to end mandatory Life Without Parole. If you are having trouble seeing the embedded video below, click here to watch the trailer.
No Way Home traces the story of Lorraine Haw, known as Mrs. Dee Dee, as she grapples with the trauma of living on both sides of the epidemic of gun violence in Philadelphia. Earlier in life, Mrs. Dee Dee’s younger brother was shot to death in his apartment complex after an argument over a gold necklace turned fatal. Years later, still reeling from the tragic death of her brother, she was devastated to see her son sentenced to mandatory life without parole in prison. A leader in the movement to end mass incarceration in Pennsylvania, Mrs. Dee Dee’s story reflects the experiences of thousands of people in Pennsylvania who simultaneously sit on both sides of the gun violence epidemic: having lost loved ones to gun violence and also having lost loved ones to the carceral system.
Join us on Friday, July 14th 6:30 PM at Theatre Horizon (401 DeKalb St., Norristown, PA 19401 US) for an event co-sponsored by Straight Ahead. A screening of No Way Home will be followed by a panel and town hall discussion on life without parole and the need for second chances in Pennsylvania prisons. RSVP below to attend the event and take part in this vital discussion about how we can reunite families and restore our communities.