Nikki Grant speaks to the crowd wearing a denim jacket

Mobilize with us to end mass incarceration

Resourcing our communities makes them safer

What We Do

We're Still Here in read letters with blue background and solidarity fists

We're Still Here: Stories from People Sentenced to Death By Incarceration

Over 5,000 people in Pennsylvania have been robbed of hope for a positive future due to Life Without Parole sentences. In these firsthand accounts, lifers share who they've become during their time inside and what gives their lives meaning. 

No Way Home: A Film About a Mother's Struggle to Reunite Her Family

Amistad Law Project is thrilled to make No Way Home available in its entirety to stream online. Watch our film about Mrs Dee Dee's struggle to reunite her family and get involved in building the movement for second chances in Pennsylvania.

a group gathers for a press conference with signs that read 'more funding for mobile crisis teams'

Alternatives to Police: Expanding Non-Police Mobile Crisis Teams Citywide

We have partnered with the Treatment Not Trauma coalition to win over $10 million for a pilot program for mobile crisis teams in Philadelphia. We continue to advocate for its expansion so people in crisis receive care, not cops. 

an image shows the Philly city skyline and some of the city from an aerial view in red

Move It Forward Explores How Gun Violence is Connected to Wealth Inequality

In a new season of our podcast, we explore the impact of the gun violence crisis here in Philadelphia—and the structural forces that are driving it.